It was something concerning. Calderon's dealership had the hard to get required licenses to sell and modify the Cybot Galactica, Arakyd or Baktoid Combat Automata products and didn't want to get on the wrong side of the Imperial law. Bumberries Inc. had the proper credentials though. The corporation was located in the Corporate Sector and was authorized to own and operate "autonomous security devices" to protect its various ground-based assets, ranging from facilities to convoys.
He met several times with the Talz, who like most of his species used only his given name, in this case, Ubek. They discussed specifications and the droids' usage, tested the droids, haggled over the price, and occasionnally exchanged inappropriate pleasanteries. At times, Ubek would allude to potential markets or express interest in Galactic events. All the strapping of a legitimate business deal. Ubek was concerned that the red tape would clear soon enough and the delivery done timely, Calderon was concerned that the red tape would clear soon enough and be payment done timely. They shared an average distaste for the red tape.
The Imperial bureaucracy finally cleared the deal, with a reasonnable delay. Thus demonstrating that in these troubled times, the administration was getting better and better. Also, indicating that the increase in efficiency was likely triggered by a matching increase in the amount of submitted security-related export licenses. But there were no official data to back that feeling for fear of alarming the population...and comforting the growing opposition movements and criminal empires.
Upon leaving the Mos Espan district of Valour's Court, Ubek felt a bolt of empowerment. The deal he had worked so hard on was concluded. He had chosen a small but respectable droid dealership, which, in the Tatoo Sytem was no small feat and it delivered. It delivered with a price discount! Another reason to rejoice given the financial turmoil Bumberries Inc. was in - something artfully disguised by Evaeqa Fotam, Bumberries Inc. current CEO.
Bumberries Inc. had filed for bankruptcy two years prior and all its assets had been sold to pay for its debtors. Even then, it was auctionned by the CSA but with little assets left (the name, the postbox, the database, its back office, its licenses and reputation), it was bought for a handful of credits. Bumberries Inc.'s debacle was now a anecdotical drop in the midst of the myriad of corporations based in the Corporate Sector. Nevertheless, it kept afloat i.e. it wasn't filing for bankruptcy...yet.
Ubek knew. He also knew that Calderon would be careful enough to check his and Bumberries' backgrounds. But he also guessed, correctly, that he wouldn't have time to make a thorough check. Running a legitimate business was time consuming and this business in particular didn't have an investigation division, so it would have been up to Calderon's own scrutiny. So long as Legal and Accounting checked through, there wouldn't have been any reason to be overly suspiscious. He also knew that the Imperial bureaucracy in the System was equally inapt as it was corrupt and that a favourable recommendation would help clear bureaucratic hurdles higher up in the hierarchy.
By then, Ubek had cleared customs - or the little of it in Tatooine - and his cargo was powering up for take off. He wondered if, in a week from now, Calderon would have the time to read the Corporate Sector's newsnet. Nothing more than a wire news reading: "Wilderness Traders Union purchases Bumberries Inc. after hostile takeover bid". Tarn dispelled the holoshroud, in an instant Ubek was sent to the netherworld. "Take us up", he ordered the pilot.
The deception was cruel, Calderon was good man, but Tarn couldn't afford loose ends. Purchasing two squads of battle droids and one of droidekas couldn't have been done through the usual gun-running channels or risking eveasdropping by the ever vigilant ISB. He secretely hoped that Calderon could be brought to his side. He recalled, "a pleasure to do business with you, my organization will remember your services".
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